Infant mental health

Envision a life where you and your child have a bond like no other, a bond that has been rebuilt off of trust, forgiveness and safety. Think of a life where you and your child overcome the dark storm of trauma and develop a deep understanding for one another.

Are you having a difficult time bonding with your child?  Was there an experience so hurtful or traumatic that it has impacted the dynamic between you and your child?  Do you feel like your child is pulling away or that you are pulling away from them?

The bond between a parent/caregiver and child is one that can have a lifetime affect on the child’s outlook on life and how they will develop relationships when they get older. Being a parent/caregiver is not easy especially when a parent/caregiver has unresolved trauma.

Infant mental health counseling can help tremendously with the bonding between the child and parent/caregiver after there has been a traumatic event.

This therapy is for children between the ages of 0-5 years old and most of the time the caregiver/parent is involved in the therapeutic process.    With early interventions skills such as using play therapy techniques along side Child-Parent psychotherapy (CPP) this can help heal both child and parent in the bonding experience and move past the traumatic event.

Although this therapy is mainly for young children, this also assist the caregiver/parents gain better understanding how their unresolved trauma impact their parenting skills and how it can play a big role in the type of relationship they with their child.

This can be a really powerful type of therapy for both you and your baby.

Having the adequate training and supervision, I can assist you and your family to heal from your trauma, one session at a time. 


For more information regarding CPP or infant mental health please visit:

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